World GK MCQs

Famous Explorers MCQs with Answers

Who was the first person to reach the South Pole?
a) Christopher Columbus
b) Sir Edmund Hillary
c) Roald Amundsen
d) Marco Polo
Answer: c) Roald Amundsen

Which explorer is credited with discovering the sea route from Europe to India?
a) Vasco da Gama
b) Ferdinand Magellan
c) James Cook
d) Hernán Cortés
Answer: a) Vasco da Gama

Who was the first person to circumnavigate the world?
a) Vasco da Gama
b) James Cook
c) Ferdinand Magellan
d) Marco Polo
Answer: c) Ferdinand Magellan

Which explorer is known for discovering the Americas?
a) Vasco Núñez de Balboa
b) Hernán Cortés
c) Christopher Columbus
d) Francis Drake
Answer: c) Christopher Columbus

Who was the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest?
a) Reinhold Messner
b) Sir Edmund Hillary
c) Tenzing Norgay
d) George Mallory
Answer: b) Sir Edmund Hillary

Which explorer led the first European expedition to reach the Pacific Ocean from the Atlantic?
a) Hernán Cortés
b) Vasco Núñez de Balboa
c) Christopher Columbus
d) John Cabot
Answer: b) Vasco Núñez de Balboa

Who was the first person to sail around the world solo?
a) Joshua Slocum
b) Francis Drake
c) James Cook
d) Ferdinand Magellan
Answer: a) Joshua Slocum

Which explorer is famous for discovering the source of the Nile River?
a) David Livingstone
b) Henry Morton Stanley
c) John Hanning Speke
d) Richard Francis Burton
Answer: c) John Hanning Speke

Who was the first European to reach China by sea?
a) Marco Polo
b) Ferdinand Magellan
c) Christopher Columbus
d) Vasco da Gama
Answer: d) Vasco da Gama

Which explorer is known for his voyages to the Pacific Islands, including Tahiti?
a) James Cook
b) Roald Amundsen
c) Ernest Shackleton
d) Leif Erikson
Answer: a) James Cook

Who discovered the Northwest Passage, a sea route across the northern part of North America?
a) Henry Hudson
b) John Franklin
c) Robert Peary
d) Samuel de Champlain
Answer: a) Henry Hudson

Which explorer is famous for his search for the source of the Nile River and his encounter with Dr. David Livingstone?
a) Henry Morton Stanley
b) Richard Francis Burton
c) Mungo Park
d) Alexander von Humboldt
Answer: a) Henry Morton Stanley

Who was the first European to reach Japan?
a) Ferdinand Magellan
b) Vasco da Gama
c) Marco Polo
d) Francis Xavier
Answer: d) Francis Xavier

Which explorer led the first expedition to sail around the world in both directions?
a) Sir Francis Drake
b) James Cook
c) Abel Tasman
d) John Cabot
Answer: a) Sir Francis Drake

Who discovered the source of the Mississippi River?
a) René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle
b) Meriwether Lewis
c) William Clark
d) Zebulon Pike
Answer: a) René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle

Which explorer is known for his expeditions to the Arctic, including the ill-fated Franklin Expedition?
a) Robert Peary
b) John Franklin
c) Ernest Shackleton
d) Roald Amundsen
Answer: b) John Franklin

Who was the first person to reach the North Pole?
a) Robert Peary
b) Roald Amundsen
c) Richard E. Byrd
d) Matthew Henson
Answer: a) Robert Peary

Which explorer is famous for his search for the lost city of El Dorado in South America?
a) Francisco Pizarro
b) Hernán Cortés
c) Francisco de Orellana
d) Sir Walter Raleigh
Answer: d) Sir Walter Raleigh

Who discovered the Hawaiian Islands?
a) James Cook
b) Ferdinand Magellan
c) John Cabot
d) Francis Drake
Answer: a) James Cook

Which explorer is known for his expeditions to the Antarctic and being the first person to reach the South Pole?
a) Robert Falcon Scott
b) Ernest Shackleton
c) Roald Amundsen
d) Richard E. Byrd
Answer: c) Roald Amundsen

Who was the first person to reach the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro?
a) Sir Edmund Hillary
b) Reinhold Messner
c) Hans Meyer
d) Tenzing Norgay
Answer: c) Hans Meyer

Which explorer is famous for his search for the lost city of Timbuktu in West Africa?
a) Mungo Park
b) Ibn Battuta
c) Heinrich Barth
d) Alexander von Humboldt
Answer: a) Mungo Park

Who was the first person to sail around the world solo without stopping?
a) Francis Chichester
b) Joshua Slocum
c) Ellen MacArthur
d) Bernard Moitessier
Answer: b) Joshua Slocum

Which explorer is known for his voyages to the Arctic and the discovery of the Northwest Passage?
a) Roald Amundsen
b) John Cabot
c) James Cook
d) Henry Hudson
Answer: d) Henry Hudson

Who discovered the source of the Nile River?
a) John Hanning Speke
b) David Livingstone
c) Richard Francis Burton
d) James Bruce
Answer: a) John Hanning Speke

Which explorer is famous for his exploration of the African continent and his discovery of Victoria Falls?
a) David Livingstone
b) Richard Francis Burton
c) Mungo Park
d) Henry Morton Stanley
Answer: a) David Livingstone

Who was the first European to reach Australia?
a) James Cook
b) Abel Tasman
c) Willem Janszoon
d) Luis Váez de Torres
Answer: c) Willem Janszoon

Which explorer is known for his exploration of the Grand Canyon in the United States?
a) John Wesley Powell
b) Meriwether Lewis
c) William Clark
d) Zebulon Pike
Answer: a) John Wesley Powell

Who discovered the source of the Amazon River?
a) Francisco de Orellana
b) Alexander von Humboldt
c) Charles Marie de La Condamine
d) Thor Heyerdahl
Answer: a) Francisco de Orellana

Which explorer is famous for his exploration of the American West, including the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
a) Meriwether Lewis
b) William Clark
c) Zebulon Pike
d) John Wesley Powell
Answer: a) Meriwether Lewis

Who discovered the source of the Missouri River?
a) Meriwether Lewis
b) William Clark
c) Zebulon Pike
d) John Wesley Powell
Answer: b) William Clark

Which explorer is known for his expeditions to the Arctic and his attempt to reach the North Pole?
a) Robert Peary
b) Roald Amundsen
c) Richard E. Byrd
d) Matthew Henson
Answer: a) Robert Peary

Who was the first person to reach the summit of Mount McKinley (Denali)?
a) Reinhold Messner
b) Sir Edmund Hillary
c) Tenzing Norgay
d) Hudson Stuck
Answer: d) Hudson Stuck

Which explorer is famous for his search for the Northwest Passage and his exploration of the Canadian Arctic?
a) John Franklin
b) Henry Hudson
c) Robert Peary
d) Roald Amundsen
Answer: b) Henry Hudson

Who discovered the source of the Niger River?
a) Mungo Park
b) Richard Francis Burton
c) René Caillié
d) Heinrich Barth
Answer: a) Mungo Park

Which explorer is known for his exploration of the Galápagos Islands and his theory of evolution?
a) Charles Darwin
b) James Cook
c) Ferdinand Magellan
d) Alexander von Humboldt
Answer: a) Charles Darwin

Who discovered the source of the Colorado River?
a) John Wesley Powell
b) Meriwether Lewis
c) William Clark
d) Zebulon Pike
Answer: a) John Wesley Powell

Which explorer is famous for his exploration of the American Southwest, including the Colorado River and the Grand Canyon?
a) John Wesley Powell
b) Meriwether Lewis
c) William Clark
d) Zebulon Pike
Answer: a) John Wesley Powell

Who was the first European to reach the summit of Mount Everest?
a) Reinhold Messner
b) Sir Edmund Hillary
c) Tenzing Norgay
d) George Mallory
Answer: b) Sir Edmund Hillary

Which explorer is known for his exploration of the Arctic and his attempt to reach the North Pole by airship?
a) Roald Amundsen
b) Richard E. Byrd
c) Robert Peary
d) Umberto Nobile
Answer: d) Umberto Nobile


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