World GK MCQs

Wildlife and Nature MCQs with Answers

Which animal is known for its black and white stripes?
a) Giraffe
b) Zebra
c) Cheetah
d) Lion
Answer: b) Zebra

Which bird is known for its ability to imitate human speech?
a) Penguin
b) Eagle
c) Parrot
d) Owl
Answer: c) Parrot

Which animal is the largest living land mammal?
a) Elephant
b) Rhino
c) Hippopotamus
d) Giraffe
Answer: a) Elephant

Which species is famous for its annual long-distance migration across continents?
a) Monarch butterfly
b) Penguin
c) Sea turtle
d) Salmon
Answer: a) Monarch butterfly

What is the largest species of penguin?
a) Emperor penguin
b) King penguin
c) Gentoo penguin
d) Adelie penguin
Answer: a) Emperor penguin

Which animal is known for its ability to camouflage itself by changing colors?
a) Chameleon
b) Komodo dragon
c) Anaconda
d) Iguana
Answer: a) Chameleon

Which bird is the symbol of peace?
a) Bald eagle
b) Peacock
c) Dove
d) Sparrow
Answer: c) Dove

Which animal is known for its ability to regrow its tail?
a) Gecko
b) Crocodile
c) Lizard
d) Snake
Answer: a) Gecko

Which marine animal is famous for its spectacular jumps out of the water?
a) Dolphin
b) Shark
c) Whale
d) Octopus
Answer: a) Dolphin

Which animal is known for its black and white coloration and its strong scent-marking behavior?
a) Skunk
b) Panda
c) Koala
d) Raccoon
Answer: a) Skunk

Which animal is the fastest land mammal?
a) Cheetah
b) Lion
c) Leopard
d) Tiger
Answer: a) Cheetah

Which creature is known as the “gentle giant” of the ocean?
a) Whale shark
b) Giant squid
c) Manatee
d) Sea turtle
Answer: c) Manatee

Which animal is the largest living reptile?
a) Alligator
b) Iguana
c) Anaconda
d) Saltwater crocodile
Answer: d) Saltwater crocodile

Which bird is famous for its courtship dance, featuring an elaborate plumage display?
a) Peacock
b) Swan
c) Flamingo
d) Ostrich
Answer: a) Peacock

Which animal is known for its ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defense mechanism?
a) Skunk
b) Porcupine
c) Armadillo
d) Hedgehog
Answer: a) Skunk

Which animal is known for its ability to climb trees and hang upside down?
a) Sloth
b) Lemur
c) Monkey
d) Koala
Answer: a) Sloth

Which bird is the largest living species of flightless bird?
a) Ostrich
b) Emu
c) Penguin
d) Kiwi
Answer: a) Ostrich

Which animal is known for its ability to camouflage itself by blending with its surroundings?
a) Chameleon
b) Octopus
c) Cuttlefish
d) Seahorse
Answer: b) Octopus

Which animal is known for its ability to produce venom and inject it into its prey?
a) Snake
b) Spider
c) Scorpion
d) Jellyfish
Answer: c) Scorpion

Which animal is known for its long neck and is native to Africa?
a) Giraffe
b) Elephant
c) Rhinoceros
d) Hippopotamus
Answer: a) Giraffe

Which animal is known for its ability to mimic human speech and songs?
a) Parrot
b) Nightingale
c) Sparrow
d) Pigeon
Answer: a) Parrot

Which marine creature is known for its ability to change color and texture to blend with its environment?
a) Octopus
b) Dolphin
c) Whale
d) Seal
Answer: a) Octopus

Which animal is known for its ability to build dams and construct elaborate lodges?
a) Beaver
b) Otter
c) Muskrat
d) Platypus
Answer: a) Beaver

Which bird is known for its ability to fly backwards and hover in mid-air?
a) Hummingbird
b) Eagle
c) Albatross
d) Falcon
Answer: a) Hummingbird

Which animal is known for its ability to emit light through bioluminescence?
a) Firefly
b) Glow worm
c) Jellyfish
d) Anglerfish
Answer: a) Firefly

Which creature is known for its long, sticky tongue and is capable of catching insects in mid-air?
a) Frog
b) Lizard
c) Snake
d) Chameleon
Answer: a) Frog

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