World GK MCQs

World Environmental Movements MCQs with Answers

Which environmental movement is associated with the slogan “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”?
a) Greenpeace
b) Extinction Rebellion
c) Sierra Club
d) Earth Day Network
Answer: d) Earth Day Network

The movement focuses on reducing the concentration of which gas in the atmosphere?
a) Oxygen
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Methane
Answer: c) Carbon dioxide

Which environmental movement was founded by Robert Hunter and Dorothy Stowe?
a) Friends of the Earth
b) The Wilderness Society
c) Greenpeace
d) Earth First!
Answer: c) Greenpeace

The movement known as “Fridays for Future” was initiated by which activist?
a) Greta Thunberg
b) Al Gore
c) Wangari Maathai
d) Vandana Shiva
Answer: a) Greta Thunberg

The Chipko movement, which originated in India, focused on the conservation of which natural resource?
a) Water
b) Oil
c) Forests
d) Minerals
Answer: c) Forests

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010 led to the formation of which movement dedicated to ocean conservation?
a) Surfrider Foundation
b) Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
c) Oceana
d) 5 Gyres
Answer: a) Surfrider Foundation

The Green Belt Movement, founded by Wangari Maathai, focused on environmental conservation and which other cause?
a) Women’s rights
b) Education
c) Animal welfare
d) Indigenous rights
Answer: a) Women’s rights

The “Leap Manifesto” is associated with which environmental movement?
a) Extinction Rebellion
c) Sunrise Movement
d) Transition Towns
Answer: c) Sunrise Movement

The movement known as “Keep America Beautiful” aims to combat which environmental issue?
a) Deforestation
b) Air pollution
c) Littering
d) Water pollution
Answer: c) Littering

The “Break Free From Plastic” movement aims to reduce the use of which material?
a) Glass
b) Metal
c) Plastic
d) Paper
Answer: c) Plastic

The Sierra Club, one of the oldest and largest environmental organizations, was founded in which country?
a) United States
b) United Kingdom
c) Australia
d) Canada
Answer: a) United States

Which movement advocates for the protection and restoration of the world’s oceans and marine life?
a) Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
b) Oceana
c) Greenpeace
d) Surfrider Foundation
Answer: b) Oceana

The “Ban the Bag” movement aims to reduce the use of which item?
a) Plastic bags
b) Paper bags
c) Reusable bags
d) Cotton bags
Answer: a) Plastic bags

The “Rights of Nature” movement advocates for legal recognition and protection of which entities?
a) Animals
b) Plants
c) Ecosystems
d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

The movement known as “Extinction Rebellion” originated in which country?
a) United States
b) United Kingdom
c) Sweden
d) Australia
Answer: b) United Kingdom

The “Transition Towns” movement focuses on building sustainable communities and reducing dependence on which resource?
a) Oil
b) Water
c) Coal
d) Natural gas
Answer: a) Oil

The “Blue Planet Society” movement is dedicated to the conservation of which ecosystem?
a) Rainforests
b) Coral reefs
c) Polar regions
d) Grasslands
Answer: b) Coral reefs

The movement known as “” takes its name from the recommended safe level of which atmospheric gas in parts per million?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Oxygen
c) Nitrogen
d) Methane
Answer: a) Carbon dioxide

The “Our Children’s Trust” movement focuses on which environmental issue?
a) Climate change
b) Water scarcity
c) Deforestation
d) Species extinction
Answer: a) Climate change

The “Rainforest Foundation” movement aims to protect and preserve which type of ecosystem?
a) Deserts
b) Wetlands
c) Rainforests
d) Tundras
Answer: c) Rainforests

The “Greenpeace” movement was founded in which decade?
a) 1950s
b) 1960s
c) 1970s
d) 1980s
Answer: b) 1960s

The “March for Science” movement advocates for the use of scientific evidence in which area?
a) Environmental policy
b) Education
c) Medicine
d) Technology
Answer: a) Environmental policy

The “Zero Waste” movement aims to minimize the amount of waste sent to which disposal method?
a) Landfills
b) Incineration
c) Recycling
d) Composting
Answer: a) Landfills

The “” movement was founded by which environmental activist and author?
a) Al Gore
b) Vandana Shiva
c) Bill McKibben
d) Wangari Maathai
Answer: c) Bill McKibben

The “Earth First!” movement promotes which approach to environmental activism?
a) Nonviolent direct action
b) Lobbying and policy advocacy
c) Scientific research and education
d) International collaboration
Answer: a) Nonviolent direct action

The “Friends of the Earth” movement originated in which country?
a) United States
b) United Kingdom
c) Australia
d) Canada
Answer: b) United Kingdom

The “Deep Ecology” movement emphasizes the intrinsic value of which entities?
a) Human beings
b) Animals
c) Ecosystems
d) Technology
Answer: c) Ecosystems

The “Green Belt Movement” was founded by which environmental activist and Nobel laureate?
a) Vandana Shiva
b) Wangari Maathai
c) Rachel Carson
d) Jane Goodall
Answer: b) Wangari Maathai

The “Surfrider Foundation” movement focuses on the protection and preservation of which natural resource?
a) Forests
b) Freshwater
c) Oceans and coastlines
d) Mountains
Answer: c) Oceans and coastlines

The “Earth Guardians” movement is led by which group of activists?
a) Indigenous youth
b) Scientists
c) Environmental lawyers
d) Farmers
Answer: a) Indigenous youth

The “David Suzuki Foundation” movement was established by which prominent environmentalist?
a) David Suzuki
b) Jane Goodall
c) Al Gore
d) Sylvia Earle
Answer: a) David Suzuki

The “Zero Hour” movement, focused on youth-led climate action, was founded in which country?
a) United States
b) United Kingdom
c) Sweden
d) Australia
Answer: a) United States

The “Gorilla Foundation” movement works towards the conservation of which endangered species?
a) Gorillas
b) Tigers
c) Elephants
d) Polar bears
Answer: a) Gorillas

The “Keep America Beautiful” movement was founded in which decade?
a) 1950s
b) 1960s
c) 1970s
d) 1980s
Answer: a) 1950s

The “Save the Elephants” movement focuses on the conservation of which endangered species?
a) Elephants
b) Tigers
c) Rhinos
d) Lions
Answer: a) Elephants

The “Rainforest Action Network” movement aims to protect which type of ecosystem?
a) Deserts
b) Wetlands
c) Rainforests
d) Tundras
Answer: c) Rainforests

The “Ecofeminism” movement combines environmentalism with which other social movement?
a) Feminism
b) Animal rights
c) Indigenous rights
d) LGBTQ+ rights
Answer: a) Feminism

The “Earthjustice” movement focuses on which aspect of environmental activism?
a) Legal advocacy
b) Policy research
c) Public awareness
d) Humanitarian aid
Answer: a) Legal advocacy

The “Zero Carbon” movement aims to reduce the emissions of which greenhouse gas to zero?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Methane
c) Nitrous oxide
d) Ozone
Answer: a) Carbon dioxide

The “Greenpeace” movement was initially formed to protest against which specific environmental issue?
a) Nuclear testing
b) Deforestation
c) Oil spills
d) Air pollution
Answer: a) Nuclear testing


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