World GK MCQs

World Famous Sports Equipment MCQs with Answers

What sport is associated with a shuttlecock and racket?
a) Tennis
b) Badminton
c) Table tennis
d) Squash
Answer: b) Badminton

In which sport would you use a cricket bat?
a) Baseball
b) Field hockey
c) Golf
d) Cricket
Answer: d) Cricket

Which equipment is used in the sport of archery?
a) Cue stick
b) Bow and arrow
c) Discus
d) Boxing gloves
Answer: b) Bow and arrow

Which sport requires a surfboard?
a) Synchronized swimming
b) Ice hockey
c) Surfing
d) Skateboarding
Answer: c) Surfing

Which equipment is used in the sport of volleyball?
a) Shuttlecock
b) Soccer ball
c) Baseball bat
d) Volleyball
Answer: d) Volleyball

In which sport would you use a snorkel?
a) Scuba diving
b) Tennis
c) Boxing
d) Wrestling
Answer: a) Scuba diving

What equipment is used in the sport of skiing?
a) Bicycle
b) Skateboard
c) Skis
d) Golf club
Answer: c) Skis

In which sport would you use a hockey stick?
a) Ice skating
b) Lacrosse
c) Bowling
d) Hockey
Answer: d) Hockey

Which equipment is used in the sport of table tennis?
a) Pool cue
b) Tennis racket
c) Ping pong paddle
d) Golf club
Answer: c) Ping pong paddle

What sport is associated with a basketball?
a) Basketball
b) Baseball
c) Golf
d) Rugby
Answer: a) Basketball

In which sport would you use a fishing rod?
a) Fishing
b) Fencing
c) F1 racing
d) Gymnastics
Answer: a) Fishing

Which equipment is used in the sport of baseball?
a) Cricket bat
b) Baseball bat
c) Hockey stick
d) Golf club
Answer: b) Baseball bat

What sport is associated with a dartboard?
a) Darts
b) Shot put
c) Javelin throw
d) High jump
Answer: a) Darts

In which sport would you use a saddle?
a) Equestrian
b) Wrestling
c) Boxing
d) Rugby
Answer: a) Equestrian

Which equipment is used in the sport of golf?
a) Cricket ball
b) Golf club
c) Volleyball
d) Ping pong paddle
Answer: b) Golf club

What sport is associated with a baseball glove?
a) Football
b) Tennis
c) Baseball
d) Cricket
Answer: c) Baseball

In which sport would you use a boxing glove?
a) Tennis
b) Boxing
c) Swimming
d) Soccer
Answer: b) Boxing

Which equipment is used in the sport of cricket?
a) Tennis racket
b) Golf club
c) Baseball bat
d) Cricket ball
Answer: d) Cricket ball

What sport is associated with a puck and stick?
a) Ice hockey
b) Rugby
c) Table tennis
d) Volleyball
Answer: a) Ice hockey

In which sport would you use a javelin?
a) Javelin throw
b) Gymnastics
c) Swimming
d) Tennis
Answer: a) Javelin throw

Which equipment is used in the sport of soccer?
a) Hockey stick
b) Golf club
c) Soccer ball
d) Cricket bat
Answer: c) Soccer ball

What sport is associated with a gymnastics vault?
a) Weightlifting
b) Gymnastics
c) Cycling
d) Fencing
Answer: b) Gymnastics

In which sport would you use a kayak?
a) Kayaking
b) Basketball
c) Baseball
d) Soccer
Answer: a) Kayaking

Which equipment is used in the sport of tennis?
a) Basketball
b) Tennis racket
c) Baseball bat
d) Golf club
Answer: b) Tennis racket

What sport is associated with a pool cue?
a) Swimming
b) Snooker
c) Archery
d) Cycling
Answer: b) Snooker

In which sport would you use a volleyball?
a) Rugby
b) Volleyball
c) Cricket
d) Fencing
Answer: b) Volleyball

Which equipment is used in the sport of swimming?
a) Boxing gloves
b) Swimming goggles
c) Baseball bat
d) Golf club
Answer: b) Swimming goggles

What sport is associated with a skateboard?
a) Figure skating
b) Skateboarding
c) Shot put
d) Tennis
Answer: b) Skateboarding

In which sport would you use a cricket ball?
a) Tennis
b) Golf
c) Cricket
d) Hockey
Answer: c) Cricket

Which equipment is used in the sport of boxing?
a) Boxing gloves
b) Cricket bat
c) Tennis racket
d) Golf club
Answer: a) Boxing gloves

What sport is associated with a shot put?
a) Basketball
b) Javelin throw
c) Shot put
d) Baseball
Answer: c) Shot put

In which sport would you use a cycling helmet?
a) Weightlifting
b) Fencing
c) Cycling
d) Gymnastics
Answer: c) Cycling

Which equipment is used in the sport of rugby?
a) Rugby ball
b) Baseball bat
c) Golf club
d) Tennis racket
Answer: a) Rugby ball

What sport is associated with a tennis ball?
a) Tennis
b) Badminton
c) Squash
d) Table tennis
Answer: a) Tennis

In which sport would you use a wrestling mat?
a) Wrestling
b) Synchronized swimming
c) Ice hockey
d) Soccer
Answer: a) Wrestling

Which equipment is used in the sport of field hockey?
a) Cricket bat
b) Hockey stick
c) Tennis racket
d) Golf club
Answer: b) Hockey stick

What sport is associated with a golf ball?
a) Soccer
b) Golf
c) Baseball
d) Volleyball
Answer: b) Golf

In which sport would you use a climbing harness?
a) Climbing
b) Golf
c) Tennis
d) Baseball
Answer: a) Climbing

Which equipment is used in the sport of basketball?
a) Soccer ball
b) Baseball bat
c) Basketball
d) Golf club
Answer: c) Basketball

What sport is associated with a cricket wicket?
a) Cricket
b) Baseball
c) Tennis
d) Boxing
Answer: a) Cricket

In which sport would you use a racquetball racket?
a) Racquetball
b) Ice skating
c) Table tennis
d) Fencing
Answer: a) Racquetball

Which equipment is used in the sport of canoeing?
a) Canoe
b) Golf club
c) Baseball bat
d) Tennis racket
Answer: a) Canoe

What sport is associated with a net and racquet?
a) Volleyball
b) Baseball
c) Golf
d) Badminton
Answer: d) Badminton

In which sport would you use a cricket stump?
a) Cricket
b) Tennis
c) Rugby
d) Boxing
Answer: a) Cricket

Which equipment is used in the sport of skiing?
a) Skates
b) Golf club
c) Skateboard
d) Skis
Answer: d) Skis

What sport is associated with a bow and arrow?
a) Archery
b) Swimming
c) Tennis
d) Baseball
Answer: a) Archery

In which sport would you use a cricket pad?
a) Tennis
b) Golf
c) Cricket
d) Hockey
Answer: c) Cricket

Which equipment is used in the sport of table tennis?
a) Pool cue
b) Tennis racket
c) Table tennis racket
d) Golf club
Answer: c) Table tennis racket

What sport is associated with a hockey puck?
a) Ice hockey
b) Golf
c) Baseball
d) Volleyball
Answer: a) Ice hockey

In which sport would you use a spear?
a) Gymnastics
b) Fencing
c) Javelin throw
d) Tennis
Answer: c) Javelin throw

Please note that these questions and answers are for educational purposes and may not reflect the latest updates in the world of sports.


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