World GK MCQs

World Oceans and Seas MCQs with Answers

Which is the largest ocean in the world?
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Southern Ocean
Answer: a) Pacific Ocean

Which ocean is known as the “Salty Sea”?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Arctic Ocean
d) Mediterranean Sea
Answer: a) Atlantic Ocean

Which sea is the largest inland body of water in the world?
a) Caspian Sea
b) Black Sea
c) Red Sea
d) Dead Sea
Answer: a) Caspian Sea

Which ocean lies between Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica?
a) Indian Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Southern Ocean
d) Pacific Ocean
Answer: a) Indian Ocean

Which sea is the smallest and shallowest of the world’s five oceans?
a) Arctic Ocean
b) Southern Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Atlantic Ocean
Answer: a) Arctic Ocean

Which sea is known for its pink color due to the presence of algae?
a) Red Sea
b) Dead Sea
c) Arabian Sea
d) Coral Sea
Answer: a) Red Sea

Which ocean lies between North America and Europe?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Southern Ocean
Answer: a) Atlantic Ocean

Which sea is the largest enclosed body of water by area?
a) Mediterranean Sea
b) Arabian Sea
c) Caribbean Sea
d) Baltic Sea
Answer: a) Mediterranean Sea

Which ocean is known for its extreme cold temperatures and surrounding the continent of Antarctica?
a) Southern Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean
Answer: a) Southern Ocean

Which sea is known for its high salt concentration, making it one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth?
a) Dead Sea
b) Red Sea
c) Caspian Sea
d) Black Sea
Answer: a) Dead Sea

Which ocean lies between North America and Asia?
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean
Answer: a) Pacific Ocean

Which sea is the largest marginal sea in the world?
a) Philippine Sea
b) Caribbean Sea
c) South China Sea
d) Mediterranean Sea
Answer: a) Philippine Sea

Which ocean is known for its strong and unpredictable currents, known as the “Roaring Forties” and “Furious Fifties”?
a) Southern Ocean
b) Indian Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Atlantic Ocean
Answer: a) Southern Ocean

Which sea is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar?
a) Mediterranean Sea
b) Red Sea
c) Baltic Sea
d) Caribbean Sea
Answer: a) Mediterranean Sea

Which ocean is the warmest of all the oceans?
a) Indian Ocean
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Atlantic Ocean
d) Southern Ocean
Answer: a) Indian Ocean

Which sea is known for its abundance of marine life and coral reefs?
a) Coral Sea
b) Caribbean Sea
c) Baltic Sea
d) Arabian Sea
Answer: a) Coral Sea

Which ocean is known for its strong and powerful waves, making it a popular destination for surfers?
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Southern Ocean
Answer: a) Pacific Ocean

Which sea is the largest body of water that is entirely surrounded by land?
a) Mediterranean Sea
b) Red Sea
c) Caribbean Sea
d) Black Sea
Answer: a) Mediterranean Sea

Which ocean is known for its abundant marine biodiversity and the Great Barrier Reef?
a) Coral Sea
b) Indian Ocean
c) Atlantic Ocean
d) Pacific Ocean
Answer: a) Coral Sea

Which sea is located between Europe, Asia, and Africa, and is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar?
a) Mediterranean Sea
b) Arabian Sea
c) Black Sea
d) Caribbean Sea
Answer: a) Mediterranean Sea

Which ocean is known for its strong and powerful currents, such as the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Drift?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Southern Ocean
Answer: a) Atlantic Ocean

Which sea is the largest semi-enclosed sea in the world?
a) Philippine Sea
b) Caribbean Sea
c) South China Sea
d) Baltic Sea
Answer: a) Philippine Sea

Which ocean lies between Europe, Asia, and Australia?
a) Indian Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Southern Ocean
Answer: a) Indian Ocean

Which sea is known for its high salt concentration and its location at the lowest point on Earth’s surface?
a) Dead Sea
b) Red Sea
c) Caspian Sea
d) Black Sea
Answer: a) Dead Sea

Which ocean is known for its vastness and is home to numerous islands, including Hawaii and Easter Island?
a) Pacific Ocean
b) Southern Ocean
c) Indian Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean
Answer: a) Pacific Ocean

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