World GK MCQs

World Renewable Energy Technologies MCQs with Answers

Which renewable energy technology harnesses the power of the sun?
a) Wind energy
b) Solar energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: b) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology converts the kinetic energy of wind into electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: b) Wind energy

Which renewable energy technology utilizes the heat from the Earth’s core to generate electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Geothermal energy

Which renewable energy technology uses organic matter, such as plant material, to produce energy?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: d) Biomass energy

Which renewable energy technology captures energy from ocean waves and converts it into electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Wave energy
Answer: d) Wave energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the heat from the Earth’s crust to generate electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Geothermal energy

Which renewable energy technology harnesses the power of flowing water to generate electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Hydropower
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Hydropower

Which renewable energy technology uses the natural heat of the Earth’s interior to produce electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Geothermal energy

Which renewable energy technology converts the energy from ocean tides into electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Tidal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Tidal energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the movement of air in the atmosphere to generate electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: b) Wind energy

Which renewable energy technology harnesses the power of the sun to generate electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology converts heat from the sun into usable energy?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the Earth’s magnetic field to generate electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Magnetic energy
Answer: d) Magnetic energy

Which renewable energy technology captures and stores energy from the sun for later use?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Energy storage
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology harnesses the power of the sun to heat water or air for residential and commercial use?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar thermal energy
Answer: d) Solar thermal energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to heat water or air for residential and commercial use?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar thermal energy
Answer: d) Solar thermal energy

Which renewable energy technology captures and stores the energy from sunlight in batteries or other devices?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Energy storage
Answer: d) Energy storage

Which renewable energy technology converts the energy from the sun into electrical energy through the use of photovoltaic cells?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to directly heat water for residential and commercial use?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar water heating
Answer: d) Solar water heating

Which renewable energy technology converts organic waste into biogas for energy production?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biogas energy
Answer: d) Biogas energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to power electronic devices and small appliances?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar power banks
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology captures the energy from ocean currents to generate electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Ocean energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Ocean energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the heat from the Earth’s interior to warm buildings and generate electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Geothermal energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to power outdoor lights and street lamps?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar street lighting
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology converts the energy from ocean waves into electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Wave energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Wave energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to power vehicles?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar-powered vehicles
Answer: d) Solar-powered vehicles

Which renewable energy technology captures and stores carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and industrial processes?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Carbon capture and storage
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Carbon capture and storage

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to power remote or off-grid locations?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Off-grid systems
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology converts agricultural waste into biofuels for energy production?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Biofuel energy
Answer: d) Biofuel energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to power water pumps for irrigation and drinking water?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar water pumps
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology converts sunlight into electricity through the use of mirrors and lenses?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Concentrated solar power
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Concentrated solar power

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to power remote communication systems?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Off-grid systems
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology converts the energy from ocean currents into electricity?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Ocean current energy
d) Biomass energy
Answer: c) Ocean current energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to power ventilation systems in buildings?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar ventilation
Answer: a) Solar energy

Which renewable energy technology converts sunlight into electricity through the use of semiconductor materials?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Photovoltaic energy
Answer: d) Photovoltaic energy

Which renewable energy technology uses the energy from the sun to power agricultural irrigation systems?
a) Solar energy
b) Wind energy
c) Geothermal energy
d) Solar irrigation
Answer: a) Solar energy

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