World GK MCQs

Famous Women in Science MCQs with Answers

Who is known for her groundbreaking research on radioactivity and the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Barbara McClintock
Answer: a) Marie Curie

Who developed the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine and is often considered the world’s first computer programmer?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Barbara McClintock
Answer: c) Ada Lovelace

Who played a crucial role in discovering the structure of DNA through her work on X-ray crystallography?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Barbara McClintock
Answer: b) Rosalind Franklin

Who is known for her pioneering work in the field of genetics and the discovery of mobile genetic elements, or “jumping genes”?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Barbara McClintock
Answer: d) Barbara McClintock

Who was an influential mathematician and computer scientist, often referred to as the “enchantress of numbers”?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Barbara McClintock
Answer: c) Ada Lovelace

Who is known for her groundbreaking research in the field of primatology, particularly on the study of chimpanzees?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Jane Goodall
Answer: d) Jane Goodall

Who was an American astronomer known for her discovery of the first evidence of the expansion of the universe?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Henrietta Leavitt
Answer: d) Henrietta Leavitt

Who is known for her pioneering research in the field of computer science and for programming the Harvard Mark I computer?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Grace Hopper
Answer: d) Grace Hopper

Who was an American chemist known for her work on the synthesis of complex organic compounds and her research on steroids?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Dorothy Hodgkin
Answer: d) Dorothy Hodgkin

Who was an American mathematician and computer scientist known for her contributions to the field of cryptography?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Joan Clarke
Answer: d) Joan Clarke

Who is known for her groundbreaking research on DNA replication and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Barbara McClintock
Answer: b) Rosalind Franklin

Who was a German-born scientist who discovered the concept of nuclear fission and played a significant role in the development of atomic energy?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Lise Meitner
d) Hedy Lamarr
Answer: c) Lise Meitner

Who was a British physicist known for her research on the structure of coal, carbon, and graphite, and her work laid the foundation for the field of carbon nanotechnology?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Mildred Dresselhaus
Answer: d) Mildred Dresselhaus

Who is known for her contributions to the understanding of the Earth’s magnetic field and her pioneering work in the field of geomagnetism?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Maria Goeppert-Mayer
Answer: d) Maria Goeppert-Mayer

Who was an American astronomer known for her discovery of the first evidence of dark matter?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Vera Rubin
Answer: d) Vera Rubin

Who is known for her groundbreaking work in the field of neurophysiology, particularly on the study of nerve impulses and synapses?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Rita Levi-Montalcini
Answer: d) Rita Levi-Montalcini

Who was an American chemist known for her work on the Manhattan Project, contributing to the development of the atomic bomb?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Chien-Shiung Wu
Answer: d) Chien-Shiung Wu

Who is known for her contributions to the understanding of radioactivity and for being the first woman to win a Nobel Prize?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Emmy Noether
Answer: a) Marie Curie

Who was an American computer scientist and naval officer known for her work on the ENIAC, one of the earliest electronic general-purpose computers?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Grace Hopper
Answer: d) Grace Hopper

Who is known for her pioneering research on chimpanzees and her efforts in animal conservation and environmental awareness?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Jane Goodall
Answer: d) Jane Goodall

Who was an American mathematician and space scientist known for her contributions to the early development of computer programming and software engineering?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Margaret Hamilton
Answer: d) Margaret Hamilton

Who is known for her work in crystallography and her role in the discovery of the structure of DNA?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Dorothy Hodgkin
Answer: b) Rosalind Franklin

Who was an American astrophysicist known for her groundbreaking research on pulsars, earning her the Nobel Prize in Physics?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Answer: d) Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Who is known for her contributions to the field of crystallography and her discovery of the structure of insulin?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Dorothy Hodgkin
Answer: d) Dorothy Hodgkin

Who was an American physicist known for her groundbreaking work on quantum theory and the development of the nuclear shell model?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Maria Goeppert-Mayer
Answer: d) Maria Goeppert-Mayer

Who is known for her contributions to the field of computer science and her invention of the first compiler for a computer programming language?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Grace Hopper
Answer: d) Grace Hopper

Who was an American physicist known for her discovery of the atomic and molecular structure of crystals using X-ray diffraction techniques?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Dorothy Hodgkin
Answer: d) Dorothy Hodgkin

Who is known for her contributions to the field of computer programming and her work on the concept of machine-independent programming languages?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Grace Hopper
Answer: c) Ada Lovelace

Who was a British chemist and X-ray crystallographer known for her work on the structure of coal and her contributions to the field of materials science?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Kathleen Lonsdale
Answer: d) Kathleen Lonsdale

Who is known for her research on the structure and function of proteins, particularly her discovery of the structure of insulin?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Dorothy Hodgkin
Answer: d) Dorothy Hodgkin

Who was an American computer scientist and mathematician known for her contributions to the development of computer programming languages and systems?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Frances Allen
Answer: d) Frances Allen

Who is known for her groundbreaking research on the structure of DNA and her role in the discovery of its double helix structure?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Barbara McClintock
Answer: b) Rosalind Franklin

Who was an American mathematician and computer scientist known for her contributions to the development of computer programming languages and compilers?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Grace Hopper
Answer: d) Grace Hopper

Who is known for her contributions to the field of astronomy and astrophysics, particularly her research on pulsars?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Jocelyn Bell Burnell
Answer: d) Jocelyn Bell Burnell

Who was an American physicist and mathematician known for her contributions to the Manhattan Project and her research on nuclear physics?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Chien-Shiung Wu
Answer: d) Chien-Shiung Wu

Who is known for her contributions to the field of quantum mechanics and her work on the theory of nuclear shell structure?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Maria Goeppert-Mayer
Answer: d) Maria Goeppert-Mayer

Who was an American computer scientist and mathematician known for her work on the ENIAC and her contributions to computer programming?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Grace Hopper
Answer: d) Grace Hopper

Who is known for her contributions to the field of crystallography and her determination of the crystal structure of penicillin?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Dorothy Hodgkin
Answer: d) Dorothy Hodgkin

Who was a German-born physicist known for her groundbreaking research on nuclear fission and her contributions to the development of atomic energy?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Lise Meitner
d) Hedy Lamarr
Answer: c) Lise Meitner

Who is known for her contributions to the field of computer science and her work on the development of computer programming languages and systems?
a) Marie Curie
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) Ada Lovelace
d) Grace Hopper
Answer: d) Grace Hopper

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