Computer MCQs

Augmented Reality (AR) MCQs with Answer

What technology overlays digital information onto the real world?
A) Virtual Reality (VR)
B) Augmented Reality (AR)
C) Mixed Reality (MR)
D) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Answer: B) Augmented Reality (AR)

Which device is commonly used to experience AR?
A) Smartphones
B) Smartwatches
C) Laptops
D) Desktop Computers
Answer: A) Smartphones

Which technology offers a completely immersive digital environment?
A) Augmented Reality (AR)
B) Virtual Reality (VR)
C) Artificial Intelligence (AI)
D) Mixed Reality (MR)
Answer: B) Virtual Reality (VR)

What is the primary purpose of AR technology?
A) To replace physical reality entirely
B) To enhance physical reality with digital elements
C) To simulate real-world environments
D) To create entirely digital environments
Answer: B) To enhance physical reality with digital elements

Which of the following is NOT a typical application of AR?
A) Gaming
B) Medical Training
C) Social Media
D) Quantum Computing
Answer: D) Quantum Computing

What does GPS stand for in the context of AR?
A) Global Positioning System
B) Graphic Projection System
C) Gaming Performance Standard
D) Graphic Processing Service
Answer: A) Global Positioning System

Which company developed the popular AR game “Pokemon Go”?
A) Nintendo
B) Sony
C) Microsoft
D) Niantic
Answer: D) Niantic

Which technology is often used in conjunction with AR to track motion and gestures?
B) Radar
C) Gyroscope
D) Sonar
Answer: C) Gyroscope

What is the main challenge in creating realistic AR experiences?
A) Battery Life
B) Processing Power
C) Network Connectivity
D) Graphics Quality
Answer: D) Graphics Quality

Which term refers to the ability of AR to precisely align digital objects with the real world?
A) Calibration
B) Tracking
C) Rendering
D) Projection
Answer: B) Tracking

In AR, what does “SLAM” stand for?
A) Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
B) Single Lens Augmented Mapping
C) Synthetic Landscape Augmentation Mechanism
D) Spatial Localization and Mapping
Answer: A) Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Which technology allows users to interact with AR objects using hand gestures?
B) Haptics
C) Kinect
D) Leap Motion
Answer: D) Leap Motion

What is the name of Apple’s AR development platform?
A) ARKit
B) ARCore
C) ARStudio
D) ARZone
Answer: A) ARKit

Which industry commonly uses AR for design visualization and prototyping?
A) Automotive
B) Agriculture
C) Textile
D) Tourism
Answer: A) Automotive

Which type of display is used in AR glasses to overlay digital content onto the real world?
Answer: A) OLED

What is the term for the technology that allows AR devices to understand the user’s physical environment?
A) Spatial Mapping
B) Environmental Sensing
C) Object Recognition
D) Scene Understanding
Answer: D) Scene Understanding

What is the main advantage of markerless AR over marker-based AR?
A) Markerless AR offers better tracking accuracy.
B) Markerless AR does not require physical markers.
C) Markerless AR is less expensive to implement.
D) Markerless AR provides more immersive experiences.
Answer: B) Markerless AR does not require physical markers.

Which programming language is commonly used for AR app development on Android devices?
A) Java
B) Swift
C) Kotlin
D) Objective-C
Answer: C) Kotlin

Which company introduced the term “Augmented Reality”?
A) Microsoft
B) Apple
C) Google
D) Boeing
Answer: A) Boeing

Which of the following is a potential ethical concern related to AR?
A) Increased productivity
B) Privacy invasion
C) Enhanced learning opportunities
D) Improved safety in hazardous environments
Answer: B) Privacy invasion

What is the name of the AR feature in Google Maps that provides real-time navigation cues?
A) AR Explorer
B) AR Compass
C) AR Navigation
D) Live View
Answer: D) Live View

Which of the following is an example of a marker-based AR application?
A) Snapchat filters
B) Pokemon Go
C) IKEA Place
D) Google Lens
Answer: A) Snapchat filters

Which technology is used to detect surfaces and objects in the real world for AR applications?
B) Infrared Sensors
C) Ultrasonic Waves
D) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Answer: A) LiDAR

What is the primary function of an AR SDK (Software Development Kit)?
A) To create 3D models
B) To develop hardware components
C) To provide tools for AR app development
D) To optimize battery life
Answer: C) To provide tools for AR app development

Which of the following is a challenge associated with AR content creation?
A) Lack of user engagement
B) Limited hardware compatibility
C) Difficulty in integrating with social media
D) Creating compelling and relevant content
Answer: D) Creating compelling and relevant content

Which of the following is NOT a potential application of AR in healthcare?
A) Surgical Training
B) Patient Education
C) Teleportation
D) Rehabilitation
Answer: C) Teleportation

Which term describes the process of overlaying AR content onto a physical location?
A) Geotagging
B) Spatial Anchoring
C) Location Tagging
D) Geo-synchronization
Answer: B) Spatial Anchoring

What is the name of the technology that enables real-time translation of text in the physical world through AR?
A) AR Translate
B) Word Lens
C) Instant Translator
D) Text Overlay
Answer: B) Word Lens

Which of the following industries is NOT actively exploring the potential of AR technology?
A) Retail
B) Entertainment
C) Education
D) Agriculture
Answer: D) Agriculture

What term describes the process of creating a 3D digital representation of the real world?
A) Modeling
B) Rendering
C) Scanning
D) Simulation
Answer: C) Scanning

Which of the following is a type of AR hardware that users wear over their eyes?
A) HoloLens
B) Oculus Rift
C) PlayStation VR
D) HTC Vive
Answer: A) HoloLens

What is the name of the technology that enables AR devices to recognize objects and surfaces?
A) Object Recognition
B) Surface Detection
C) Environmental Mapping
D) Spatial Understanding
Answer: A) Object Recognition

Which of the following companies is NOT involved in developing AR hardware?
A) Apple
B) Google
C) Tesla
D) Microsoft
Answer: C) Tesla

Which of the following sensors is commonly used in AR devices to measure distance?
A) Accelerometer
B) Magnetometer
C) Proximity Sensor
D) Depth Sensor
Answer: D) Depth Sensor

Which term describes the process of aligning virtual objects with the real-world environment?
A) Calibration
B) Synchronization
C) Integration
D) Harmonization
Answer: A) Calibration

What is the name of the technology that overlays information onto the user’s field of view in real-time?
A) Heads-Up Display (HUD)
B) Virtual Interface Technology (VIT)
C) Digital Overlay System (DOS)
D) Augmented Reality Display (ARD)
Answer: A) Heads-Up Display (HUD)

Which of the following is NOT a consideration for AR app developers?
A) Battery Life
B) Processing Power
C) Internet Speed
D) Screen Resolution
Answer: C) Internet Speed

What is the name of the technology that allows users to interact with AR content using their voice?
A) Voice Recognition
B) Speech Interaction
C) Audio Control
D) Sound Navigation
Answer: A) Voice Recognition

Which of the following is NOT a component of an AR system?
A) Display
B) Processor
C) Keyboard
D) Camera
Answer: C) Keyboard

What is the term for the process of superimposing computer-generated images onto a user’s view of the real world?
A) Overlay
B) Projection
C) Augmentation
D) Superimposition
Answer: C) Augmentation

Which of the following is an example of a markerless AR application?
A) Snapchat filters
B) IKEA Place
C) Pokemon Go
D) Google Lens
Answer: B) IKEA Place

Which of the following is a limitation of current AR technology?
A) Limited hardware compatibility
B) Excessive battery consumption
C) Low processing power
D) Slow internet connectivity
Answer: A) Limited hardware compatibility

What term describes the process of analyzing the user’s environment to determine the best placement of virtual objects?
A) Environmental Analysis
B) Spatial Awareness
C) Contextual Mapping
D) Dynamic Placement
Answer: B) Spatial Awareness

Which of the following is a type of AR device that projects digital images onto the user’s retina?
A) Smart Glasses
B) Head-Mounted Display (HMD)
C) Contact Lenses
D) Retinal Projector
Answer: C) Contact Lenses

What is the name of the technology that enables AR devices to recognize and interpret gestures?
A) Gesture Recognition
B) Motion Tracking
C) Hand Sensing
D) Gesture Mapping
Answer: A) Gesture Recognition

Which of the following is an example of an AR marketing application?
A) Virtual Try-On for Makeup
B) Online Auctions
C) Social Media Influencers
D) Email Marketing
Answer: A) Virtual Try-On for Makeup

Which term refers to the alignment of virtual objects with the user’s physical environment in AR?
A) Anchoring
B) Merging
C) Blending
D) Embedding
Answer: A) Anchoring

What is the name of the technology that enables users to view digital content overlaid on physical objects through their smartphone camera?
A) Object Recognition
B) Augmented View
C) Mixed Reality
D) Augmented Photography
Answer: A) Object Recognition

Which of the following is a benefit of using AR in education?
A) Increased screen time
B) Enhanced engagement
C) Decreased interactivity
D) Reduced creativity
Answer: B) Enhanced engagement

Which of the following is a potential security risk associated with AR technology?
A) Data encryption
B) Identity theft
C) User authentication
D) Secure transactions
Answer: B) Identity theft

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