World GK MCQs

Philosophy and Ethics MCQs with Answers

Who is considered the father of Western philosophy?
a) Socrates
b) Plato
c) Aristotle
d) Thales
Answer: d) Thales

Which philosopher proposed the concept of the “categorical imperative”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) John Locke
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

Who is known for the philosophical idea of “tabula rasa” or the blank slate?
a) John Locke
b) Rene Descartes
c) Thomas Hobbes
d) Friedrich Nietzsche
Answer: a) John Locke

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “existentialism”?
a) Jean-Paul Sartre
b) Friedrich Nietzsche
c) Albert Camus
d) Martin Heidegger
Answer: a) Jean-Paul Sartre

Who is the author of the philosophical work “Meditations on First Philosophy?
a) René Descartes
b) Aristotle
c) John Stuart Mill
d) Plato
Answer: a) René Descartes

Which philosopher is known for his concept of “the will to power”?
a) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Søren Kierkegaard
c) Arthur Schopenhauer
d) John Locke
Answer: a) Friedrich Nietzsche

Who proposed the philosophical idea of “utilitarianism”?
a) John Stuart Mill
b) Jeremy Bentham
c) David Hume
d) Thomas Hobbes
Answer: a) John Stuart Mill

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “The Allegory of the Cave”?
a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) Socrates
d) Epicurus
Answer: a) Plato

Who is known for the philosophical concept of “the social contract”?
a) Thomas Hobbes
b) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
c) John Locke
d) Immanuel Kant
Answer: b) Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Which philosopher is associated with the idea of “the greatest happiness principle”?
a) Jeremy Bentham
b) John Locke
c) Immanuel Kant
d) Friedrich Nietzsche
Answer: a) Jeremy Bentham

Who is the author of the philosophical work “Beyond Good and Evil”?
a) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Søren Kierkegaard
c) Jean-Paul Sartre
d) Immanuel Kant
Answer: a) Friedrich Nietzsche

Which philosopher is known for his concept of “the categorical imperative”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) John Locke
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

Who proposed the concept of “virtue ethics”?
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Socrates
d) Friedrich Nietzsche
Answer: a) Aristotle

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “the will to power”?
a) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Søren Kierkegaard
c) Arthur Schopenhauer
d) John Locke
Answer: a) Friedrich Nietzsche

Who is the author of the philosophical work “Critique of Pure Reason”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) René Descartes
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

Which philosopher is known for his concept of “the absurd”?
a) Albert Camus
b) Friedrich Nietzsche
c) Jean-Paul Sartre
d) Martin Heidegger
Answer: a) Albert Camus

Who proposed the philosophical idea of “the categorical imperative”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) John Locke
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

Who is known for the philosophical concept of “nihilism”?
a) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Søren Kierkegaard
c) Arthur Schopenhauer
d) John Locke
Answer: a) Friedrich Nietzsche

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “the will to power”?
a) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Søren Kierkegaard
c) Arthur Schopenhauer
d) John Locke
Answer: a) Friedrich Nietzsche

Who is the author of the philosophical work “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”?
a) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Søren Kierkegaard
c) Jean-Paul Sartre
d) Martin Heidegger
Answer: a) Friedrich Nietzsche

Which philosopher is known for his concept of “the will to power”?
a) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Søren Kierkegaard
c) Arthur Schopenhauer
d) John Locke
Answer: a) Friedrich Nietzsche

Who is the author of the philosophical work “Utilitarianism”?
a) John Stuart Mill
b) Jeremy Bentham
c) David Hume
d) Thomas Hobbes
Answer: a) John Stuart Mill

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “The Republic”?
a) Plato
b) Aristotle
c) Socrates
d) Epicurus
Answer: a) Plato

Who is known for the philosophical idea of “the veil of ignorance”?
a) John Rawls
b) John Locke
c) Immanuel Kant
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) John Rawls

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “the will to power”?
a) Friedrich Nietzsche
b) Søren Kierkegaard
c) Arthur Schopenhauer
d) John Locke
Answer: a) Friedrich Nietzsche

Who is the author of the philosophical work “Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) René Descartes
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

Which philosopher is known for his concept of “the absurd”?
a) Albert Camus
b) Friedrich Nietzsche
c) Jean-Paul Sartre
d) Martin Heidegger
Answer: a) Albert Camus

Who proposed the philosophical idea of “the greatest happiness principle”?
a) Jeremy Bentham
b) John Locke
c) Immanuel Kant
d) Friedrich Nietzsche
Answer: a) Jeremy Bentham

Which philosopher is associated with the idea of “the categorical imperative”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) John Locke
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

Who is known for the philosophical concept of “the social contract”?
a) Thomas Hobbes
b) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
c) John Locke
d) Immanuel Kant
Answer: b) Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “the greatest happiness principle”?
a) Jeremy Bentham
b) John Locke
c) Immanuel Kant
d) Friedrich Nietzsche
Answer: a) Jeremy Bentham

Who is the author of the philosophical work “The Nicomachean Ethics”?
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Socrates
d) Epicurus
Answer: a) Aristotle

Which philosopher is known for his concept of “the categorical imperative”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) John Locke
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

Who proposed the concept of “virtue ethics”?
a) Aristotle
b) Plato
c) Socrates
d) Friedrich Nietzsche
Answer: a) Aristotle

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “the absurd”?
a) Albert Camus
b) Friedrich Nietzsche
c) Jean-Paul Sartre
d) Martin Heidegger
Answer: a) Albert Camus

Who is the author of the philosophical work “Leviathan”?
a) Thomas Hobbes
b) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
c) John Locke
d) Immanuel Kant
Answer: a) Thomas Hobbes

Which philosopher is known for his concept of “the categorical imperative”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) John Locke
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

Who proposed the philosophical idea of “the veil of ignorance”?
a) John Rawls
b) John Locke
c) Immanuel Kant
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) John Rawls

Which philosopher is associated with the concept of “the greatest happiness principle”?
a) Jeremy Bentham
b) John Locke
c) Immanuel Kant
d) Friedrich Nietzsche
Answer: a) Jeremy Bentham

Who is the author of the philosophical work “Critique of Practical Reason”?
a) Immanuel Kant
b) René Descartes
c) David Hume
d) Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Answer: a) Immanuel Kant

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