Everyday Science MCQs

Physical Phenomena MCQs with Answers

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: b) Refraction

The phenomenon of a solid turning directly into a gas without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The process by which a substance absorbs heat energy and changes from a solid to a liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Melting
Answer: d) Melting

The bouncing back of light when it hits a surface is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: a) Reflection

The change of a liquid into a gas at a temperature below its boiling point is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: a) Evaporation

The splitting of white light into its component colors is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: d) Dispersion

The phenomenon of light spreading out when passing through a small opening or around an obstacle is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: c) Diffraction

The transfer of heat through direct contact between particles of matter is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: a) Conduction

The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid or gas is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: b) Convection

The emission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: c) Radiation

The process by which a gas changes directly into a solid without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The change of a gas into a liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Melting
Answer: b) Condensation

The phenomenon of an object attracting another object due to their masses is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Friction
Answer: b) Gravity

The force that opposes the motion of an object when it is in contact with a surface is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Friction
Answer: d) Friction

The force that holds the nucleus of an atom together is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Nuclear force
Answer: d) Nuclear force

The property of a material to allow the flow of electric charge is called __________.
a) Insulation
b) Conductivity
c) Magnetism
d) Resistance
Answer: b) Conductivity

The process by which an electric charge is transferred from one object to another by direct contact is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Induction
c) Radiation
d) Dispersion
Answer: a) Conduction

The process by which an electric charge is transferred from one object to another without direct contact is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Induction
c) Radiation
d) Dispersion
Answer: b) Induction

The bending of a wave around an obstacle or through an opening is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: c) Diffraction

The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas state at its boiling point is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Vaporization
Answer: d) Vaporization

The phenomenon of an electric current flowing in only one direction is called __________.
a) Direct current
b) Alternating current
c) Series circuit
d) Parallel circuit
Answer: a) Direct current

The phenomenon of an electric current periodically changing direction is called __________.
a) Direct current
b) Alternating current
c) Series circuit
d) Parallel circuit
Answer: b) Alternating current

The phenomenon of a wire carrying an electric current producing a magnetic field around it is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Electromagnetism
Answer: d) Electromagnetism

The force that attracts or repels objects due to the presence of electric charges is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Friction
Answer: c) Static electricity

The force that attracts or repels objects due to the presence of magnetic fields is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Friction
Answer: a) Magnetism

The property of a material to resist the flow of electric charge is called __________.
a) Insulation
b) Conductivity
c) Magnetism
d) Resistance
Answer: d) Resistance

The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The process by which a gas changes directly into a solid without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The process by which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Melting
Answer: b) Condensation

The process by which a substance changes directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: b) Refraction

The bouncing back of light when it hits a surface is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: a) Reflection

The splitting of white light into its component colors is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: d) Dispersion

The phenomenon of light spreading out when passing through a small opening or around an obstacle is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: c) Diffraction

The transfer of heat through direct contact between particles of matter is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: a) Conduction

The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid or gas is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: b) Convection

The emission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: c) Radiation

The process by which an electric charge is transferred from one object to another by direct contact is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Induction
c) Radiation
d) Dispersion
Answer: a) Conduction

The process by which an electric charge is transferred from one object to another without direct contact is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Induction
c) Radiation
d) Dispersion
Answer: b) Induction

The bending of a wave around an obstacle or through an opening is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: c) Diffraction

The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas state at its boiling point is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Vaporization
Answer: d) Vaporization

The phenomenon of an electric current flowing in only one direction is called __________.
a) Direct current
b) Alternating current
c) Series circuit
d) Parallel circuit
Answer: a) Direct current

The phenomenon of an electric current periodically changing direction is called __________.
a) Direct current
b) Alternating current
c) Series circuit
d) Parallel circuit
Answer: b) Alternating current

The phenomenon of a wire carrying an electric current producing a magnetic field around it is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Electromagnetism
Answer: d) Electromagnetism

The force that attracts or repels objects due to the presence of electric charges is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Friction
Answer: c) Static electricity

The force that attracts or repels objects due to the presence of magnetic fields is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Friction
Answer: a) Magnetism

The property of a material to resist the flow of electric charge is called __________.
a) Insulation
b) Conductivity
c) Magnetism
d) Resistance
Answer: d) Resistance

The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The process by which a gas changes directly into a solid without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The process by which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Melting
Answer: b) Condensation

The process by which a substance changes directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: b) Refraction

The bouncing back of light when it hits a surface is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: a) Reflection

The splitting of white light into its component colors is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: d) Dispersion

The phenomenon of light spreading out when passing through a small opening or around an obstacle is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: c) Diffraction

The transfer of heat through direct contact between particles of matter is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: a) Conduction

The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid or gas is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: b) Convection

The emission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: c) Radiation

The process by which an electric charge is transferred from one object to another by direct contact is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Induction
c) Radiation
d) Dispersion
Answer: a) Conduction

The process by which an electric charge is transferred from one object to another without direct contact is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Induction
c) Radiation
d) Dispersion
Answer: b) Induction

The bending of a wave around an obstacle or through an opening is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: c) Diffraction

The change of a substance from a liquid to a gas state at its boiling point is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Vaporization
Answer: d) Vaporization

The phenomenon of an electric current flowing in only one direction is called __________.
a) Direct current
b) Alternating current
c) Series circuit
d) Parallel circuit
Answer: a) Direct current

The phenomenon of an electric current periodically changing direction is called __________.
a) Direct current
b) Alternating current
c) Series circuit
d) Parallel circuit
Answer: b) Alternating current

The phenomenon of a wire carrying an electric current producing a magnetic field around it is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Electromagnetism
Answer: d) Electromagnetism

The force that attracts or repels objects due to the presence of electric charges is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Friction
Answer: c) Static electricity

The force that attracts or repels objects due to the presence of magnetic fields is called __________.
a) Magnetism
b) Gravity
c) Static electricity
d) Friction
Answer: a) Magnetism

The property of a material to resist the flow of electric charge is called __________.
a) Insulation
b) Conductivity
c) Magnetism
d) Resistance
Answer: d) Resistance

The process by which a solid changes directly into a gas without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The process by which a gas changes directly into a solid without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The process by which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Melting
Answer: b) Condensation

The process by which a substance changes directly from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state is called __________.
a) Evaporation
b) Condensation
c) Sublimation
d) Freezing
Answer: c) Sublimation

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: b) Refraction

The bouncing back of light when it hits a surface is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: a) Reflection

The splitting of white light into its component colors is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: d) Dispersion

The phenomenon of light spreading out when passing through a small opening or around an obstacle is called __________.
a) Reflection
b) Refraction
c) Diffraction
d) Dispersion
Answer: c) Diffraction

The transfer of heat through direct contact between particles of matter is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: a) Conduction

The transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid or gas is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: b) Convection

The emission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Fusion
Answer: c) Radiation

The process by which an electric charge is transferred from one object to another by direct contact is called __________.
a) Conduction
b) Induction
c) Radiation
d) Dispersion
Answer: a) Conduction

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