World GK MCQs

World Famous International Organizations MCQs with Answers

Which international organization aims to maintain international peace and security?
a) World Famous International Organizations
b) World Health Organization
c) World Trade Organization
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations

Which international organization is responsible for coordinating global responses to health emergencies?
a) World Health Organization
b) World Famous International Organizations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Atomic Energy Agency
Answer: a) World Health Organization

Which international organization promotes international financial stability and economic cooperation?
a) International Monetary Fund
b) World Bank
c) World Trade Organization
d) World Famous International Organizations
Answer: a) International Monetary Fund

Which international organization focuses on promoting global trade and resolving trade disputes?
a) World Trade Organization
b) International Monetary Fund
c) World Bank
d) World Famous International Organizations
Answer: a) World Trade Organization

Which international organization provides loans and grants to support development projects in developing countries?
a) World Bank
b) International Monetary Fund
c) World Famous International Organizations
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) World Bank

Which international organization is responsible for the regulation and peaceful use of atomic energy?
a) International Atomic Energy Agency
b) World Health Organization
c) World Famous International Organizations
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Atomic Energy Agency

Which international organization aims to promote education, science, and cultural understanding?
a) World Famous International Organizations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Which international organization is responsible for investigating and prosecuting individuals accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity?
a) International Criminal Court
b) World Famous International Organizations
c) World Trade Organization
d) World Bank
Answer: a) International Criminal Court

Which international organization focuses on ensuring the rights and welfare of children?
a) World Famous International Organizations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Which international organization aims to combat climate change and promote environmental sustainability?
a) World Famous International Organizations Framework Convention on Climate Change
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Which international organization focuses on ensuring gender equality and women’s empowerment?
a) World Famous International Organizations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

Which international organization is responsible for overseeing international telecommunications standards and regulations?
a) International Telecommunication Union
b) World Health Organization
c) World Famous International Organizations
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Telecommunication Union

Which international organization aims to eradicate extreme poverty and promote sustainable development?
a) World Famous International Organizations Development Programme
b) World Bank
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Development Programme

Which international organization focuses on providing humanitarian aid and assistance to refugees and displaced persons?
a) World Famous International Organizations High Commissioner for Refugees
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations High Commissioner for Refugees

Which international organization promotes international labor standards and social justice?
a) International Labour Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Labour Organization

Which international organization focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity?
a) Convention on Biological Diversity
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) Convention on Biological Diversity

Which international organization aims to promote peaceful and sustainable uses of outer space?
a) World Famous International Organizations Office for Outer Space Affairs
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Office for Outer Space Affairs

Which international organization focuses on the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide?
a) Office of the World Famous International Organizations High Commissioner for Human Rights
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) Office of the World Famous International Organizations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Which international organization aims to promote and safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of humanity?
a) World Famous International Organizations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Which international organization focuses on the regulation and safety of civil aviation?
a) International Civil Aviation Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Civil Aviation Organization

Which international organization aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities?
a) World Famous International Organizations Enable
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Enable

Which international organization focuses on the promotion and protection of intellectual property rights?
a) World Intellectual Property Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) World Intellectual Property Organization

Which international organization aims to combat desertification and promote sustainable land management?
a) World Famous International Organizations Convention to Combat Desertification
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Convention to Combat Desertification

Which international organization focuses on the conservation and sustainable management of forests?
a) Food and Agriculture Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) Food and Agriculture Organization

Which international organization aims to promote global road safety and reduce traffic accidents?
a) World Health Organization
b) International Road Federation
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: b) International Road Federation

Which international organization focuses on the regulation and standardization of maritime shipping?
a) International Maritime Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Maritime Organization

Which international organization aims to promote and protect the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide?
a) World Famous International Organizations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Which international organization focuses on the regulation and oversight of global telecommunications?
a) International Telecommunication Union
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Telecommunication Union

Which international organization aims to promote nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation?
a) International Atomic Energy Agency
b) World Health Organization
c) World Famous International Organizations
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Atomic Energy Agency

Which international organization focuses on the promotion and protection of consumer rights?
a) Consumers International
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) Consumers International

Which international organization aims to promote and protect the rights of older persons?
a) World Famous International Organizations
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) World Famous International Organizations Economic and Social Council
Answer: d) World Famous International Organizations Economic and Social Council

Which international organization focuses on the regulation and standardization of food safety and trade?
a) Food and Agriculture Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) Food and Agriculture Organization

Which international organization aims to promote and protect the rights of migrant workers?
a) International Labour Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Organization for Migration
Answer: d) International Organization for Migration

Which international organization focuses on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Americas?
a) Organization of American States
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) Organization of American States

Which international organization aims to promote and protect the rights of persons with mental disabilities?
a) World Health Organization
b) World Federation for Mental Health
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: b) World Federation for Mental Health

Which international organization focuses on the promotion and protection of workers’ rights and welfare?
a) International Labour Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Labour Organization

Which international organization aims to promote and protect the rights of persons with visual impairments?
a) World Health Organization
b) World Blind Union
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: b) World Blind Union

Which international organization focuses on the promotion and protection of cultural diversity?
a) World Famous International Organizations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) World Famous International Organizations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Which international organization aims to promote and protect the rights of persons with hearing impairments?
a) World Health Organization
b) World Federation of the Deaf
c) International Criminal Court
d) International Monetary Fund
Answer: b) World Federation of the Deaf

Which international organization focuses on the promotion and protection of the rights of seafarers?
a) International Maritime Organization
b) World Health Organization
c) International Monetary Fund
d) World Trade Organization
Answer: a) International Maritime Organization

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