World GK MCQs

Space and Astronomy MCQs with Answers

What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
a) Mercury
b) Mars
c) Venus
d) Pluto
Answer: a) Mercury

Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
a) Mars
b) Jupiter
c) Saturn
d) Uranus
Answer: a) Mars

What is the largest planet in our solar system?
a) Saturn
b) Jupiter
c) Neptune
d) Earth
Answer: b) Jupiter

What is the nearest star to Earth?
a) Alpha Centauri
b) Proxima Centauri
c) Sirius
d) Betelgeuse
Answer: b) Proxima Centauri

Which planet has the most moons in our solar system?
a) Jupiter
b) Saturn
c) Uranus
d) Neptune
Answer: a) Jupiter

What is the name of the galaxy that contains our solar system?
a) Andromeda Galaxy
b) Milky Way Galaxy
c) Sombrero Galaxy
d) Whirlpool Galaxy
Answer: b) Milky Way Galaxy

What causes the different seasons on Earth?
a) Tilt of Earth’s axis
b) Distance from the Sun
c) Earth’s rotation speed
d) Solar flares
Answer: a) Tilt of Earth’s axis

What is the hottest planet in our solar system?
a) Venus
b) Mercury
c) Mars
d) Earth
Answer: a) Venus

What is the phenomenon that occurs when a planet passes between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun’s light?
a) Solar eclipse
b) Lunar eclipse
c) Comet
d) Asteroid
Answer: a) Solar eclipse

Which planet has a great red spot?
a) Jupiter
b) Mars
c) Saturn
d) Uranus
Answer: a) Jupiter

What is the name of the first satellite launched into space?
a) Sputnik 1
b) Explorer 1
c) Apollo 11
d) Hubble Space Telescope
Answer: a) Sputnik 1

What is the largest moon in our solar system?
a) Titan
b) Ganymede
c) Europa
d) Callisto
Answer: b) Ganymede

What is the name of the NASA mission that successfully landed humans on the Moon?
a) Apollo 11
b) Voyager 1
c) Mars Pathfinder
d) Cassini-Huygens
Answer: a) Apollo 11

What is the process by which a star releases energy?
a) Nuclear fission
b) Nuclear fusion
c) Sublimation
d) Evaporation
Answer: b) Nuclear fusion

Which of the following is not a type of galaxy?
a) Spiral
b) Elliptical
c) Irregular
d) Lunar
Answer: d) Lunar

What is the name of the largest volcano in our solar system, located on Mars?
a) Mount Everest
b) Mount Kilimanjaro
c) Olympus Mons
d) Mauna Loa
Answer: c) Olympus Mons

What is the term for a dying star that suddenly increases in brightness before fading away?
a) Supernova
b) Black hole
c) Neutron star
d) Red dwarf
Answer: a) Supernova

What is the name of the space telescope that was launched by NASA in 1990?
a) Kepler Space Telescope
b) Hubble Space Telescope
c) Spitzer Space Telescope
d) James Webb Space Telescope
Answer: b) Hubble Space Telescope

What is the term for a group of stars that form a pattern in the sky?
a) Galaxy
b) Nebula
c) Cluster
d) Constellation
Answer: d) Constellation

What is the name of the first man-made object to leave our solar system?
a) Voyager 1
b) Pioneer 10
c) New Horizons
d) Cassini-Huygens
Answer: b) Pioneer 10

What is the name of the spacecraft that successfully landed on Mars in February 2021?
a) Curiosity
b) Spirit
c) Perseverance
d) Opportunity
Answer: c) Perseverance

What is the name of the largest moon of Saturn?
a) Enceladus
b) Titan
c) Europa
d) Callisto
Answer: b) Titan

What is the phenomenon that occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow?
a) Solar eclipse
b) Lunar eclipse
c) Asteroid impact
d) Meteor shower
Answer: b) Lunar eclipse

What is the name of the process by which stars convert hydrogen into helium?
a) Nuclear fission
b) Nuclear fusion
c) Sublimation
d) Evaporation
Answer: b) Nuclear fusion

What is the name of the mission that successfully landed the first humans on the Moon?
a) Apollo 11
b) Voyager 1
c) Mars Pathfinder
d) Cassini-Huygens
Answer: a) Apollo 11

Which planet has a prominent ring system?
a) Mars
b) Saturn
c) Uranus
d) Neptune
Answer: b) Saturn

What is the term for the study of celestial objects and phenomena outside the Earth’s atmosphere?
a) Astronomy
b) Geology
c) Meteorology
d) Biology
Answer: a) Astronomy

What is the name of the largest known star in the universe?
a) Sun
b) Betelgeuse
c) VY Canis Majoris
d) Rigel
Answer: c) VY Canis Majoris

Which planet has the highest density in our solar system?
a) Earth
b) Mercury
c) Mars
d) Venus
Answer: a) Earth

What is the name of the NASA mission that sent rovers to explore the surface of Mars?
a) Mars Pathfinder
b) Cassini-Huygens
c) New Horizons
d) Hubble Space Telescope
Answer: a) Mars Pathfinder

Which of the following is not a type of telescope?
a) Reflector
b) Refractor
c) Spectrometer
d) Radio
Answer: c) Spectrometer

What is the name of the region between Mars and Jupiter where many asteroids are found?
a) Oort Cloud
b) Kuiper Belt
c) Asteroid Belt
d) Van Allen Belt
Answer: c) Asteroid Belt

What is the name of the spacecraft that successfully orbited and studied the dwarf planet Pluto?
a) Voyager 1
b) New Horizons
c) Cassini-Huygens
d) Juno
Answer: b) New Horizons

Which planet has the most prominent system of rings?
a) Mars
b) Saturn
c) Uranus
d) Neptune
Answer: b) Saturn

What is the name of the star closest to Earth, other than the Sun?
a) Alpha Centauri
b) Proxima Centauri
c) Sirius
d) Betelgeuse
Answer: b) Proxima Centauri

What is the name of the process by which a star collapses under its own gravity, creating a region of infinite density?
a) Supernova
b) Black hole
c) Neutron star
d) Red giant
Answer: b) Black hole

What is the name of the mission that successfully landed the Curiosity rover on Mars?
a) Pathfinder
b) Viking
c) Phoenix
d) Mars Science Laboratory
Answer: d) Mars Science Laboratory

What is the name of the mission that discovered evidence of flowing water on Mars?
a) Mars Odyssey
b) Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
c) Mars Express
d) Mars Global Surveyor
Answer: b) Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

What is the term for a massive star that has collapsed under its own gravity?
a) Supernova
b) Black hole
c) Neutron star
d) Red dwarf
Answer: b) Black hole

Which spacecraft was the first to successfully land humans on the Moon?
a) Apollo 11
b) Voyager 1
c) Mars Pathfinder
d) Cassini-Huygens
Answer: a) Apollo 11


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