World GK MCQs

World Literature MCQs with Answers

Who is the author of the novel “Pride and Prejudice”?
a) Jane Austen
b) Charlotte Bronte
c) Emily Bronte
d) Virginia Woolf
Answer: a) Jane Austen

Which play by William Shakespeare features the characters Romeo and Juliet?
a) Macbeth
b) Hamlet
c) Romeo and Juliet
d) Julius Caesar
Answer: c) Romeo and Juliet

“To Kill a Mockingbird” is a novel written by:
a) Mark Twain
b) F. Scott Fitzgerald
c) Harper Lee
d) John Steinbeck
Answer: c) Harper Lee

Who wrote the epic poem “The Iliad”?
a) Homer
b) Virgil
c) Dante
d) Ovid
Answer: a) Homer

Which author is known for the novel “1984?
a) George Orwell
b) Aldous Huxley
c) Ray Bradbury
d) J.R.R. Tolkien
Answer: a) George Orwell

“One Hundred Years of Solitude” is a novel written by:
a) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
b) Isabel Allende
c) Mario Vargas Llosa
d) Julio Cortazar
Answer: a) Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Who is the author of the play “Hamlet”?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Oscar Wilde
c) Samuel Beckett
d) Arthur Miller
Answer: a) William Shakespeare

“The Great Gatsby” is a novel written by:
a) F. Scott Fitzgerald
b) Ernest Hemingway
c) J.D. Salinger
d) Harper Lee
Answer: a) F. Scott Fitzgerald

Who wrote the novel “Moby-Dick”?
a) Herman Melville
b) Nathaniel Hawthorne
c) Emily Dickinson
d) Edgar Allan Poe
Answer: a) Herman Melville

“Don Quixote” is a novel written by:
a) Miguel de Cervantes
b) Leo Tolstoy
c) Fyodor Dostoevsky
d) Franz Kafka
Answer: a) Miguel de Cervantes

Who is the author of the novel “To the Lighthouse”?
a) Virginia Woolf
b) Jane Austen
c) Charlotte Bronte
d) Emily Bronte
Answer: a) Virginia Woolf

Which author is known for the novel “The Catcher in the Rye”?
a) J.D. Salinger
b) Mark Twain
c) Harper Lee
d) F. Scott Fitzgerald
Answer: a) J.D. Salinger

Who wrote the play “Macbeth”?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Oscar Wilde
c) Samuel Beckett
d) Arthur Miller
Answer: a) William Shakespeare

“War and Peace” is a novel written by:
a) Leo Tolstoy
b) Fyodor Dostoevsky
c) Ivan Turgenev
d) Anton Chekhov
Answer: a) Leo Tolstoy

Who is the author of the novel “Jane Eyre”?
a) Charlotte Bronte
b) Jane Austen
c) Emily Bronte
d) Virginia Woolf
Answer: a) Charlotte Bronte

Which author is known for the novel “The Lord of the Rings”?
a) J.R.R. Tolkien
b) C.S. Lewis
c) J.K. Rowling
d) George R.R. Martin
Answer: a) J.R.R. Tolkien

Who wrote the play “Hamlet”?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Oscar Wilde
c) Samuel Beckett
d) Arthur Miller
Answer: a) William Shakespeare

“Crime and Punishment” is a novel written by:
a) Fyodor Dostoevsky
b) Leo Tolstoy
c) Anton Chekhov
d) Ivan Turgenev
Answer: a) Fyodor Dostoevsky

Who is the author of the novel “Wuthering Heights”?
a) Emily Bronte
b) Charlotte Bronte
c) Jane Austen
d) Virginia Woolf
Answer: a) Emily Bronte

Which author is known for the novel “Brave New World“?
a) Aldous Huxley
b) George Orwell
c) Ray Bradbury
d) J.R.R. Tolkien
Answer: a) Aldous Huxley

Who wrote the play “Romeo and Juliet”?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Oscar Wilde
c) Samuel Beckett
d) Arthur Miller
Answer: a) William Shakespeare

“The Odyssey” is an epic poem written by:
a) Homer
b) Virgil
c) Dante
d) Ovid
Answer: a) Homer

Who is the author of the novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”?
a) Oscar Wilde
b) F. Scott Fitzgerald
c) Ernest Hemingway
d) J.D. Salinger
Answer: a) Oscar Wilde

Which author is known for the novel “Anna Karenina”?
a) Leo Tolstoy
b) Fyodor Dostoevsky
c) Anton Chekhov
d) Ivan Turgenev
Answer: a) Leo Tolstoy

Who wrote the novel “Sense and Sensibility”?
a) Jane Austen
b) Charlotte Bronte
c) Emily Bronte
d) Virginia Woolf
Answer: a) Jane Austen

Which author is known for the novel “The Grapes of Wrath”?
a) John Steinbeck
b) F. Scott Fitzgerald
c) Harper Lee
d) Ernest Hemingway
Answer: a) John Steinbeck

Who wrote the play “Macbeth”?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Oscar Wilde
c) Samuel Beckett
d) Arthur Miller
Answer: a) William Shakespeare

“The Divine Comedy” is an epic poem written by:
a) Dante
b) Homer
c) Virgil
d) Ovid
Answer: a) Dante

Who is the author of the novel “A Tale of Two Cities”?
a) Charles Dickens
b) Mark Twain
c) Jane Austen
d) Emily Bronte
Answer: a) Charles Dickens

Which author is known for the novel “The Odyssey”?
a) Homer
b) Virgil
c) Dante
d) Ovid
Answer: a) Homer

Who wrote the play “Hamlet”?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Oscar Wilde
c) Samuel Beckett
d) Arthur Miller
Answer: a) William Shakespeare

“The Brothers Karamazov” is a novel written by:
a) Fyodor Dostoevsky
b) Leo Tolstoy
c) Anton Chekhov
d) Ivan Turgenev
Answer: a) Fyodor Dostoevsky

Who is the author of the novel “Frankenstein”?
a) Mary Shelley
b) Emily Bronte
c) Charlotte Bronte
d) Jane Austen
Answer: a) Mary Shelley

Which author is known for the novel “The Canterbury Tales”?
a) Geoffrey Chaucer
b) William Shakespeare
c) Oscar Wilde
d) Samuel Beckett
Answer: a) Geoffrey Chaucer

Who wrote the novel “The Scarlet Letter”?
a) Nathaniel Hawthorne
b) Herman Melville
c) Emily Dickinson
d) Edgar Allan Poe
Answer: a) Nathaniel Hawthorne

Which author is known for the novel “The Metamorphosis”?
a) Franz Kafka
b) Leo Tolstoy
c) Fyodor Dostoevsky
d) Anton Chekhov
Answer: a) Franz Kafka

Who wrote the play “Othello”?
a) William Shakespeare
b) Oscar Wilde
c) Samuel Beckett
d) Arthur Miller
Answer: a) William Shakespeare

“The Sound and the Fury” is a novel written by:
a) William Faulkner
b) F. Scott Fitzgerald
c) Ernest Hemingway
d) John Steinbeck
Answer: a) William Faulkner

Who is the author of the novel “Little Women”?
a) Louisa May Alcott
b) Charlotte Bronte
c) Jane Austen
d) Emily Bronte
Answer: a) Louisa May Alcott

Which author is known for the novel “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”?
a) Mark Twain
b) F. Scott Fitzgerald
c) Harper Lee
d) Ernest Hemingway
Answer: a) Mark Twain


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